Promoting Mental Health for Seniors Citizens

The world population is aging rapidly. The problem is global, and few countries are unaffected, especially in the more developed sections of the world. WHO’s estimates show that between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 will nearly double, from 12 to 22 percent.

Senior citizens, usually defined as the people aged 60 and above, are important in modern society. They make critical contributions to society, as active participants in the economy as experienced workers, as family members or volunteers in charitable organizations. Although most seniors have good mental health, they are at a higher risk of developing various mental disorders. Neurological disorders, substance abuse as well as chronic disease are also particularly visible medical conditions affecting senior citizens. What’s more, senior citizens are more likely to experience more medical conditions at the same time.

Mental health is a serious concern for companies that provide home care in Tampa. The best senior home care in Tampa agencies often work with psychiatrists and psychologists in order to prevent, monitor, and treat mental health issues that affect senior citizens.

The main problem

As mentioned above, the number of senior citizens is expected to double by 2050. In absolute numbers, estimates show that there will be about 2 billion seniors worldwide. This is a massive number, and society will have to adapt in order to provide specialized services to seniors, especially when it comes to health. Many seniors face specific medical challenges, both physical and mental, that have to be dealt with professionally.

Recent data from WHO shows that about 20 percent of adults aged 60 and over suffer from some form of neurological or mental disorder (common headache disorders are excluded). What’s more, 6.6 percent of all types of disability are attributed to mental health conditions. The most common disorders are depression and dementia, which affect 5 to 7 percent of the world’s senior population, respectively. Anxiety is also very common, affecting an estimated 3.8 percent of seniors. Substance abuse affects about 1 percent of senior adults.

Unfortunately, mental health problems often go under- or unidentified by healthcare professionals. This happens if seniors choose to stay at home and don’t seek medical attention when needed. Agencies providing home care in Tampa often work with psychiatrists and provide mental health services to seniors. Accordingly, mental disorders rarely go unidentified if older citizens receive excellent medical senior home care in Tampa.

Risk factors related to mental disorders

There are a lot of risk factors related to mental health disorders. The risk factors can have a negative impact at any point in life, but they are less aggressive. Older people may feel these factors as more stressful. Similarly, the support system provided by the community is often less effective when compared to younger people. Major risk factors for senior citizens are the decline in functional ability as well as the loss in mental and physical capacities. For instance, older citizens often experience chronic pain, reduced mobility, frailty, various long-term diseases and may require constant care. Socio-economically, senior citizens may face a drop in social status, as they can no longer work and be productive. Additionally, financial issues can be quite problematic for many seniors.

Another major risk factor is abuse. Older citizens are particularly vulnerable to abuse, both in the family or in hospital or nursing home establishments. The abuse can range from physical and psychological, to verbal, financial, and even sexual abuse. The victims often feel a sense of abandonment, neglect, a serious loss of respect and dignity. When these types of abuse occur long term, the negative consequences can be dramatic, causing depression and anxiety.


Dementia is the most common mental health disorder among senior citizens. Medically, dementia is considered a syndrome, usually of progressive and chronic nature. The main symptoms include a deterioration in memory, thinking, and behavior. Those affected often lose the ability to perform everyday activities safely. Dementia usually affects older people, but it is not a normal part of aging.

WHO estimates that about 50 million people are living with dementia worldwide. 60 percent of dementia patients live in low- and middle-income economies. This number is expected to rise to 82 million by 2030 and to 152 million by 2050. Dementia causes immense pressure on medical systems in many countries. Families, caregivers, hospitals, nursing homes, and agencies providing senior home care in Tampa struggle to support these patients and create a better environment for them. As the numbers of dementia patients are expected to rise, these problems will persist, so efficient methods of dealing with this terrible disease must be implemented.


Depression occurs in about 7 percent of the older population. It’s also a major cause of disabilities for senior citizens. Depression often goes undiagnosed, both at home and in hospital or long term care establishments. Symptoms are difficult to observe, mainly because they co-occur with other problems encountered by senior adults. Older citizens suffering from depression have poorer functioning when compared to seniors suffering from other chronic diseases, like hypertension, diabetes, and lung disease. Depression also has an immense impact on the perception of poor health, as well as the utilization of health care services.

Mental health promotion

Mental health can be improved among senior citizens by promoting active and healthy aging. Nursing homes, hospitals, and agencies providing home care in Tampa must implement a strategy that promotes the wellbeing of senior citizens. Here are some things to pay attention to in order to improve seniors’ mental health:

  • providing freedom and security
  • providing adequate, safe housing, within a supportive environment, including group and interactive activities
  • providing social support both for senior citizens and their caregivers
  • programs designed to prevent and deal with elder abuse, as well as a support system for the victims
  • providing community development programs, where seniors are encouraged to try new hobbies, interests and enjoy new activities
  • providing special programs for seniors living in remote, rural or disadvantaged areas, especially for those who suffer from chronic or relapsing mental health conditions