Loud and Clear: Strategies to Address the Signs of Hearing Loss for Older Adults

Hearing loss is common in seniors. Unfortunately, it cannot be seen, it’s usually noticed as a change in behavior. A senior may often ask you to repeat what you are saying, may turn the TV really loud, or complain that you are always mumbling. If this occurs just a few times, it’s not a problem. However, if this occurs constantly, your older adult may suffer from hearing loss.

If you do notice these signs and symptoms, try to visit the doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment, as soon as possible. If left untreated, hearing problems can evolve much quicker, can increase the risk of dementia, and causes mental health conditions, like anxiety, depression, and stress. What’s more, hearing loss will make seniors feel lonely and apathetic. Because of these risks, ear health is routinely monitored in facilities offering senior citizen health care in Seminole. Similarly, caregivers for seniors in Seminole provide support for seniors who suffer from hearing loss.

What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is a gradual or sudden decrease in how well a person hears. It is one of the most common conditions affecting patients living in senior citizen health care in Seminole. Studies show that about one in three people between the ages of 64 and 74 suffers from some form of hearing loss. The numbers go up for people over the age of 75, where half of the seniors experience symptoms. Hearing loss makes it difficult to understand what other people are saying, understand a doctor’s advice, respond to warnings, and hear alarms or doorbells. These problems may lead to embarrassing, frustrating, or even dangerous situations.

Signs you have a hearing problem

Here is a short list of questions that will help you determine whether you are experiencing hearing loss. If you answer YES to three or more of these questions, you may suffer from hearing loss and you will have to see a doctor and get a professional test:

  • Do you feel embarrassed when meeting new people because you can’t hear what they are saying?
  • Are you frustrated because you can’t hear what other people are saying around you?
  • Do you feel limited or restricted by a hearing problem?
  • Do you find it difficult to hear someone whispering?
  • Do you avoid religious services because you can’t hear the sermon?
  • Do you have trouble watching TV or listening to the radio? Do you usually turn the volume up?
  • Do you have trouble hearing your family or friends when you are out together at a restaurant?

What should you do if you have trouble hearing?

Hearing loss can be serious. Try to contact a doctor if you experience any of the symptoms associated with this medical condition. Luckily, there are many professionals who can help you. For instance, you can start by contacting your primary care physician. Depending on the type of hearing problem you have, you may be directed to an audiologist, an otolaryngologist, or to a hearing aid specialist. Each of these professionals has a different type of expertise and training. Similarly, you can ask caregivers for seniors in Seminole who can direct you to the best specialists.For example, an otolaryngologist is a doctor who is specialized in treating diseases of the nose, ear, and throat. He or she will try to determine if you have hearing loss and what type of treatment is ideal for your case. If necessary, the otolaryngologist will direct you to an audiologist, who is specialized in determining the degree of hearing loss you experience. Some audiologists can help you choose and fit hearing aid. In some cases, you may be directed to a hearing aid specialist, who will perform several detailed tests to determine which hearing aid is ideal for your case.

Why are you losing your hearing?

Hearing loss can be caused by multiple factors. Usually, people lose their hearing slowly, as their age. This is the most common condition associated with hearing loss and is known as presbycusis. Unfortunately, doctors do not know precisely the cause of presbycusis, but there seems to be a genetic factor behind many cases. Another common factor that causes hearing loss is loud noise. People that are exposed to loud noise often suffer from hearing loss – farmers, construction workers, airport workers, tree care workers, and musicians. In some cases, hearing loss can be caused by a variety of bacterial, viral, and fungic infections, tumors, strokes, or certain medicines. Talk to professional caregivers for seniors in Seminole if you experience hearing loss.

What type of treatment is available?

There are many types of treatments that are available for people suffering from hearing loss living in senior citizen health care in Seminole. Some work better than others, depending on the type of hearing loss. Here are the best treatments available right now:

  • hearing aids – they are small electronic devices that are worn in or behind your ear; they work by making the sound louder, so you can hear them; unfortunately, things often sound different when you wear a hearing aid; a good audiologist can help you pick the right hearing aid for you; ideally, you should go through a trial period before picking your hearing aid;
  • cochlear implants – these are very small electronic devices that are surgically implanted in the inner ear; they help people who are experiencing serious hearing loss or are nearly deaf; cochlear implants can be done in one ear or in both ears, depending on the type of your hearing loss;
  • assistive listening devices – these are small devices that are attached to telephones, smartphones, tablets, audio systems in enclosed spaces (like theaters, places of worship, or auditoriums) that help people hear better; these are often used when the audience consists of senior citizens;
  • speech or lip-reading – this is a special skill that can help people suffering from hearing loss; it is especially helpful if you want to follow conversational speech and works better if you already know the people and how their lips move when speaking.