5 Negative Effects Of Re-Hospitalization And Why Home Care Is Better

No one wants to stay in the hospital longer than they have to. There’s nothing fun about getting sick or injured, and there’s nothing more depressing than being stuck in a room all by yourself while you recover. But sometimes, this becomes the reality for people who find themselves stuck in the cycle of rehospitalization.

What is re-hospitalization?

Re-hospitalization refers to people who have been released from a hospital after being treated for an injury or illness, but then had to return to that same hospital due to a relapse. This could be because of a worsening of their symptoms, new symptoms added on, or anything else going wrong with the recovering patient.

What are the negative effects of re-hospitalization?

It may not seem like a huge deal, but the reality is that re-hospitalization can be extremely dangerous and has negative effects on patients and families. Here is a list of five of these negative effects:

1) Creates dependencies

When patients are continually readmitted into the hospital, they can become dependant on a care system that is not working for them. This can be because they are getting worse health outcomes, or because they are constantly being kept in the dark about what’s going on with their care. It’s important for patients to feel like they have some control over their treatment plan, even if that is difficult to do when you’re recovering from an injury or illness.

2) Can cause depression

When patients are readmitted over and over again into the hospital, they can begin to feel like they are making no progress or that they will never recover. These feelings of hopelessness can result in depression, a disorder that can be extremely harmful to sufferers and those around them.

Depression is a sometimes deadly condition that can lead to suicide, drug abuse, and other dangerous behaviors. Additionally, depression impacts patient morale, which is often associated with poor mental and physical health. When someone is depressed, any other illnesses or diseases will become harder to deal with and may even lead to relapse. In some cases, patients may stop trying to recover or may be in so much pain that they can no longer get themselves to a doctor.

Home care nursing services in Pasco can help with this. Many people don’t realize how dangerous depression can be, and a re-hospitalization could actually be a sign of it.

3) Causes stress for families

Families are vital to the healing process, but they can also be affected by re-hospitalization. When a family member is readmitted over and over again to the hospital, it can cause a lot of stress for everyone. This is especially true if a patient has a long road to recovery, but they’re constantly being put back in the hospital because their family isn’t sure how to care for them at home.

Family members can also be negatively affected by re-hospitalization if a patient relapses and dies. In these cases, family members may feel like they didn’t do enough to care for the patient during their recovery. This can lead to guilt, which is another dangerous emotional state that can negatively impact a person’s life.

Agencies for elderly home care in Hillsborough can help resolve of this anxiety by providing top-notch care for patients.

4) Increases costs of care

Re-hospitalization can get very expensive for patients, their families, and the healthcare system in general. Most insurance companies have a policy that will only pay for a certain number of hospitalizations, and when a patient is just being readmitted without having made any progress, that date will come faster.

5) Increases chances of death

There is a strong correlation between re-hospitalization and death. While this is just an association, it’s important to remember that when a patient is re-hospitalized, they are not receiving the same type of care that they may have been getting before. Because their symptoms are not being addressed, they will not be helped until the issues begin to spiral out of control. By this time, it may even be too late.

Choose home care nursing services in Pasco instead

Given all of these negative effects, it’s clear that re-hospitalization is not a good thing for patients and their families. Instead, home care is a much better option for those who are looking to recover from injury or illness. In the comfort of their own homes, patients can have their symptoms identified and treated in a way that works best for them.

Agencies for elderly home care in Hillsborough like No Place Like Home Care can help you and your loved ones improve your lives and happiness! Contact them today for more information.

Tips On Dealing With The Stress Of Caring For Elderly Parents

Caring for the elderly can be difficult, but if they are your parents it can be even more stressful. No one wants their parents to become old, unable to do things they once enjoyed. But aging is a natural process and cannot be avoided.

Taking care of your elderly parents is rewarding but it is also a long-term challenge. You could be looking at years or even decades of caregiving responsibilities. The stress from caring for your parents could snowball over time.Signs of caregiver stress

You must have heard of the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” This is especially true when it comes to caring for your elderly parents. You can best take care of them if you take good care of yourself too.

Recognizing the signs of caregiver stress is important so that you can take measures to improve the situation for yourself and your parents.

Some common signs of caregiver stress include:

–   Depression
–   Withdrawal
–   Anxiety
–   Anger or Irritability
–   Difficulty concentrating
–   Changes in eating habits
–   Exhaustion
–   Insomnia
–   Increased drinking or smoking
–   Frequent health problems

Tips to deal with the stress of caring for elderly parents

People often do not know how to deal with the stress of caring for elderly parents and find themselves fighting mental and emotional strain. Juggling your busy life and family while caring for your parents can be very stressful. Self-care does not make you selfish. It makes you better equipped to care for your parents.

To manage the stress of caring for your elderly parents:

Take care of your physical health

You can’t take care of anyone if you are sick yourself, can you? Ensure that you eat a balanced diet, get adequate sleep, and get enough exercise. Being physically active and eating a nutritious diet improves health, increases energy levels, and enhances your overall mood, immunity, and general well-being.

Take care of your mental health

Taking care of your mental health is equally important as caring for your physical health. Create a schedule that allows you to get some time for yourself. This is not the time to run errands or take a nap. It should be quality time that allows you to do things that make you feel good.

Get organized

It can be overwhelming to take care of your elderly parents while managing your family and busy life. Prioritizing tasks, making to-do lists, and establishing a routine can take a lot of the stress off. Being organized is the key to making daily activities go smoothly and seem less overwhelming.


You may have a super busy schedule but don’t forget to stay in touch with your friends, family members, and relatives. You need social interaction and support and these people can be great sources. If you feel too overwhelmed, you may ask for help in caring for your parents. It may surprise you to know how many people are willing to pitch in and help.

Join a support group

Consider joining a support group for caregivers, as it will help you connect with people going through a similar situation. These support groups are worthwhile sources of support and information. People in these groups can also offer useful problem-solving strategies for difficult situations. If your parents suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s, you should consider joining a support group for caregivers coping with that particular disease.

Get respite

Taking short breaks regularly is very important for managing stress when caring for your elderly parents. Respite care refers to short-term breaks for primary caregivers. It could be only for an afternoon or for several days. Opting for respite care allows you to take care of your needs, without compromising on the needs of your parents.

Seek help from professional caregivers

If you feel that you can no longer do it alone, you should consider getting professional help. Professional caregivers can take on numerous tasks, including laundry, cooking meals according to dietary needs, and driving to doctor’s appointments. If your parents’ needs are physical, that is, they need help to lift, bathe or dress, you must consider hiring a professional. Your parents get excellent care while taking a huge load off your shoulders.

No Place Like Home Care is one of the best and trusted names in home health care Hillsborough County. They offer an array of services in elder care and home care services for seniors. If you are looking for experienced and mature caregivers in Hillsborough County home health care, visit No Place Like Home Care today.